Cloud E-Assessment Management Platform (CAMPLA) is a holistic system for orchestrating digital examinations. By using security tools such as the Lernstick or the SafeExamBrowser, it is possible to implement secure examinations on student devices.
What added value does CAMPLA offer?
CAMPLA has the aim to provide teachers with the possibility to easily and securely administer a digital exam on students’ devices (Bring Your Own Device). In addition, the skills which students develop in class on their devices should be validated as seamlessly as possible with a E-Assessment. On one hand CAMPLA allows secure online exams using a Learning Management System (LMS) and on the other hand also permits the use of third-party applications in the digital exam.
Students appreciate digital exams with CAMPLA because it allows electronic exam formats that are closer to (work) reality. Additionally, the use of the CAMPLA platform can create equal conditions regarding software (and software licenses) for all students during the event. Formative assessments at specific points during the semester are also possible through CAMPLA without the use of a security tool.
Teachers have the option of creating exams based on existing templates. There is no need to distribute and print out exams. Once the exam has been completed, teachers can download and analyse the results directly via the platform.
CAMPLA offers the option of taking examinations with or without submitting documents. Students are given the opportunity to upload their own documents to CAMPLA before the examination. These must be checked and accepted by the lecturer. These documents are then available during the examination.
How does CAMPLA work?

The CAMPLA platform orchestrates classes, teaching modules, examinations and associated examination documents. This means, CAMPLA ensures that the correct class has access to the correct examination environment and associated documents. In addition, predefined accesses to authorised resources for examinees are generated. CAMPLA works together with the two security tools Lernstick and SafeExamBrowser to ensure that exams are conducted securely. These tools can be used to secure students’ devices to access authorised functions. The platform provides virtual computers in the cloud for third-party application tests. Each person taking the exam is given their own virtual computer. All examinees have the same computing resources.
How does a E-Assessment with CAMPLA work?
With the help of CAMPLA, both secured and unsecured tests can be carried out. If an examination is carried out, the validation tool is used at the beginning. This ensures that the examinee can only access the authorised functions. The CAMPLA platform works with the two security tools Lernstick and SafeExamBrowser.
Security Tool: Lernstick

With the Lernstick security tool, the student device is secured at operating system level. This means that the person being examined starts the Lernstick operating system from a USB stick and is then in a secure examination environment.
The Lernstick automatically starts the internet programme Firefox, in which the CAMPLA platform page is displayed. The examinee then logs on to the platform with their personal login details. Then, available exams are displayed on the platform. If an exam is open, it can be started by the examinee by simly pushing the start button. Starting an exam either opens a new internet programme window with access to a Learning Management System (eg. Moodle) or starts a remote desktop connection (RDP) to a virtual computer in the cloud, where third-party applications are installed.In addition to these two usecases, there is a third one. For online exams, access to third-party applications can be activated directly on the Lernstick.
Provided documents and files submitted in advance by the examinees are available either on the virtual computer or directly on the Lernstick, depending on the type of exam.
Security Tool: SafeExamBrowser

The SafeExamBrowser security tool is used to secure the student device at software level. This means that the examinee starts the SafeExamBrowser application, which puts the system into a secure mode. In this mode, only authorised functions can be accessed.
To start a SafeExamBrowser exam the examinee must log in to the CAMPLA platform with their personal login details. If the exam is open, it can be started by the examinee by simly pushing the start button. Once started, the SafeExamBrowser opens. This displays either the predefined online resource or a virtual desktop of the virtual computer in the cloud.
Provided documents and submitted files from the examinee are available on the virtual computer.
Without Security Tool

CAMPLA can also be used without a security tool. If a teacher wants to provide predefined environments in the classroom or prepare his class for an exam. In this case, the examinee logs in to CAMPLA with their personal login information. If the test is open, it can be started by the examinee by simply pushing the start button. In either case, a new window opens in which you can either access another online platform or a virtual desktop of the virtual computer in the cloud.